Junk trucks, Elton and yard sculptures
Sorry about last week’s glitch, I’m back up now and am all good to go. My site should be fine from here on in.
Yard sculpture nestled in the landscaping.
Love this architectural one too, like a mini skyline almost.
This week I took lots of long walks through Biscayne Park, a wonderful neighborhood just a block over from mine. I’ve been walking, biking and jogging through for almost three decades now and one thing I’ve always noticed are the cool yard sculptures. Leads me to believe there are lots of artsy, creative people living there. I snapped a photo of a few of that caught my eye this week.
Another adorable encounter on one of my walks was a guy walking his tiny little dog on a leash with a black cat following behind. When I told him “seems like you’ve gained a friend on your walk” he replied “no that’s my cat, it walks with me when I walk my dog.” Absolutely adorable.
One of several “junk trucks” I encountered on the streets of Miami this week.
Something else that caught my eye, the amount of pick up trucks with junk piled up in the back. Seems like every single one I saw ended up in front of me on the streets at some point. I snapped a shot of one of those too.
Love this photo my daughter Elizabeth took of Elton and his fiery piano, one of the many cool effects during the concert.
For sure one of the highlights of my week was last night seeing Elton John in concert. I went with my daughter Elizabeth and despite the horrible traffic and me having to turn around and go back and grab the tickets (which caused us to miss the first 5 songs…ugh!) it was a wonderful concert. It was so great to watch Elton the legend play that piano and perform with such passion. I actually got emotional and shed a few tears when he played “Your Song,” his first hit 52 years ago. Loved making that memory with my daughter.
Omelette perfection, ‘nuff said.
I have to share too a photo of an omelette I made this week because it was a thing of beauty and quite delicious, if I do say so myself.
I want to close this week’s post reminding all my readers to say “I Love You” and “I’m sorry” often. Hold your loved ones tight, hug them, listen to them, be present with them. Life is fleeting and most of all precious.