Flag football and Cuban vibes

About to head out to an impromptu dinner with friends so gonna try to keep this short and sweet.

This past week…

Nick in action during his flag football skills competition.

On Saturday, my son Nicholas competed in a Special Olympics flag football skills competition and came in second place. As always, it was great watching him do his thing. He’s so passionate about his competitions.

Then that night, I went to a wonderful concert by the local Cuban group Cortadito. My friend Monica and I loved watching these talented musicians light up the stage at the Westchester Cultural Arts Center, a new venue I’m going to be writing about soon. I’ll share that article once it’s published.

My car all loaded up with rescued food from Trader Joe’s Midtown, going to feed lots of people at Liberty City’s VillageFreedge.

During the week, I spent lots and lots of time doing food rescues for Good Samaritan Meals (Monday night), Be The Change South Florida (Wednesday morning) and Food Rescue South Florida (this morning). It’s always a joy to know that I’m rescuing food that would otherwise end up in a landfill and taking it to people in need. Monday nights the food goes to Broward Outreach Center and the other times to VillageFreedge in Liberty City. I also paid a visit to my adopted family on Miami Beach and brought them Pollo Tropical and some money for groceries. I’ve been sponsoring them through Adopt a Family for a few years now.

Yesterday morning, I spent time at St. Patrick’s Catholic School on Miami Beach watching students make sandwiches for the clients at Camillus House, something I’ll be writing about for the Camillus House blog. After that, I headed over to the beautiful YoungArts building to hear all about their upcoming events and current exhibition. It was so wonderful to be back in that gorgeous building. I’ll be writing about that for Artburst Miami, should be posted some time next week and I’ll share the article then.

I also had another article published in Artburst Miami, this one a profile on Evette Alexander, the new Executive Director of AIRIE (Artists in Residence in the Everglades). Click here to read it. The article was also picked up by the New Times and Floridagoodfriday.com

And to kick off my Friday, I went on one of my wonderful walks through Biscayne Park and snapped this photo.

Next week I’ll be telling you about some more cool stuff that’s happening in my neighborhood. For now, I’m looking forward to dinner tonight and another dinner tomorrow night at Flanigan’s with Nick and Vance.

I encourage you to get out there and take a nice walk or bike ride, the weather’s been so wonderful. Get out there and breathe some fresh air.

Until next week, have a great one and thanks for reading.

Josie Gulliksen

Writer, lover of all things cultural, bike rider, nature lover, tree hugger, composter, lover of farmers markets, always working to make the world a better place, empath, avid reader, mom, wife, friend.


Sis birthday, date night fun & dance


Fall fun, family and food