Time to dust off the cobwebs and take a new direction

When I first started writing this blog, it was about my experiences around my city. Everyday observations, my favorite places, a little slice of my life. Then, it turned into all things restaurants.

After awhile, I felt like I lost myself in that restaurant world and I'll be honest, it dragged me down a bit. But now, in this mode of quarantine and self-isolation (even though I'm self-isolating with four other people!), it's time to take a new direction.

I'm going back to telling you stories about things I experience, around my city, things I read about or watch, encounters and conversations, everyday life stuff.


That's me, in my ratty jean vest cracking up and having a great time.

I can already think of memorable moments with my NakedAngels Miami family. All those crazy, loud Tuesday nights with a band of incredibly supportive creative people. They let me in, no questions asked, welcomed me, gave me words of encouragement. I've really come to love those Tuesdays and miss them terribly. And now, who knows when we'll be back.

There's also all the people I've met through Instagram. I'm always commenting on their stories, starting conversations, giving my opinion and they always respond. I love the back and forth, the banter and the heartfelt comments.

This blog could even be a good place to chat about the books I've read that have made an impact on me. Thankfully I've been reading more lately and hope to get through several books before the end of 2020. Maybe you could share some of your favorites with me.

I look forward to one day (hopefully soon), using this as a platform to talk about the collection of essays I started writing years ago. I'm hoping to make some progress on those sooner rather than later.

For now though, I leave you with this. I hope to make this blog about more than just events and restaurants. The goal is to transform it into a nice mix of "Thoughts & Musings" which is what this blog was originally called. Hopefully, you'll come along for the ride.

I'll be back soon. More to come...


No end in sight


Doma's Southern Italian cuisine made with local, seasonal ingredients