The nooks and crannies of my city
I'm still amazed sometimes when I stop to think that I've lived in the City of North Miami for 19 years. Having been raised in a different part of Miami, I wasn't sure I'd ever get used to the neighborhood.But now, almost two decades later, I take comfort in the fact that I know my city and all it's nooks, crannies, bumps and oddities (oh, and odd characters too).I seem to spend a majority of my time at two major intersections: NE 125th Street and 6th Avenue and NE 125th Street and Biscayne Blvd. At the first one is a Walgreens, McDonald's and Thrift Store where I make a lot of clothing donations. Over at Biscayne Blvd. is another Walgreens (my favorite of the two I'll admit), as well as Office Max where I stop in for many of my supply purchases. Home Depot is next to this plaza and I stop in there quite a bit too.As I traverse 125th Street on a daily basis, I've got the cheapest gas station (Valero), the best burgers and fries in the area (Flip Burger Bar), my bank (Bank of America), a great Thursday Farmer's Market (MOCA Plaza) and my dry cleaners (Daly Cleaners).Running a majority of my errands is quick and many of the places are actually within walking distance. I also love the familiarity of it all. C'mon, you know we're all just creatures of habit!