So hard to say goodbye

It’s a tough one to write tonight…

Tonight we had to say goodbye to our wonderful dog Sam. So devastating, so heartbreaking, such a tough decision but it was time. It had been time but he was hanging on. But this week he was especially struggling. He would’ve been 14 in June. We loved him with all our hearts and he’s resting now, no longer struggling. We gave him a loving home. We will miss you so much Sam.

Only other thing I want to share is this…

A wonderful exhibition “The Gaze Africana” at the Scott Galvin Community Center. I went to see it yesterday and was blown away with all the beautiful artwork. Click here to read about it in Artburst Miami.

And I also wanted to share my own article in Artburst Miami on GableStage’s expanded educational programming. Click here to read it.

I also had an article published in Edible South Florida. It will be up online soon, click here to check. You can also find the issue at Farmer’s Markets around Miami, at Mima Market in Miami Shores, some Milam’s Markets, Fresh Markets and at Paradis Books & Bread here in North Miami.

Josie Gulliksen

Writer, lover of all things cultural, bike rider, nature lover, tree hugger, composter, lover of farmers markets, always working to make the world a better place, empath, avid reader, mom, wife, friend.

The photo post


Friday the 13th