Mom’s 99th, Nick’s 25th

My Mom would’ve been 99 years old today and that’s why I made sure to have a Wendy’s frosty in her honor, she loved them! Happy birthday in heaven Mami.

Nick with the Miami Dolphins cheerleaders at the kick-off event at Oasis Wynwood.

And last Saturday was my son Nick’s 25th birthday and he did it up…Miami Hurricanes football on Saturday (they won), Miami Dolphins football on Sunday (they won) and a Miami Dolphins kick-off event in Wynwood. A party at our house with family and friends closed it all out on Sunday night.

I also want to share some random observations from this week:

  • A guy putting his hands to his head in frustration after getting into a fender bender in of all places the SR 112 ramp to the airport

  • Two teenage girls sitting on the stairs fully immersed in whatever was on a cell phone they were sharing

  • A gentleman taking a sweaty walk around the park, determined to get some exercise no matter how hot and muggy it was

  • The sound of the pump from my neighbor’s above ground pool, a combination whirr-bubbling sound

  • A slug stuck to my front door

  • Two girls walking along, one telling the other “breathe, breathe, don’t worry, it can happen to anyone” so for the rest of the night I wondered what she was referring to.

“Coot Bay II” relief print on Japanese rice paper by Jennifer Basile at LnS Gallery.

Then tonight I attended a lovely exhibition “Lasting Impressions: A Cessation of Existence” at LnS Gallery in Coconut Grove featuring work by local artist Jennifer Basile. I got to meet Jennifer thanks to the gallery’s publicist Andrea Phillips-Lopez who graciously introduced us. I absolutely fell in love with Basile’s work and am looking forward to seeing her again tomorrow night at her studio in the Bird Road Arts District. In the meantime, click here to visit the LnS Gallery site and view her work as well as pieces by other artists they’ve got on display. I encourage you to visit the gallery, it’s a very nice space.

Aside from the artwork, it was so nice running into Nick’s third grade teacher from Auburndale Elementary. We stood and reminisced about his time as her student and the crazy stuff he did at that school.

I have no articles to share this week but I definitely worked on a doozy of an article this week. Took the life out of me that thing. I’ll share it when it’s published.

That’s all for this week, I’ll see you again next Friday. Thanks as always for reading.

Josie Gulliksen

Writer, lover of all things cultural, bike rider, nature lover, tree hugger, composter, lover of farmers markets, always working to make the world a better place, empath, avid reader, mom, wife, friend.

Dad’s 97th & more this past week


Weekend getaway & more