Where I get my chocolate fix

My love affair with chocolate is legendary. I can't even drink milk without adding chocolate syrup to it which baffles my husband. And I absolutely love dark chocolate which means in the grocery store check-out line, you'll always find me reaching for either a Hershey's Special Dark or a Dove Dark Chocolate candy bar.So...when I discovered the lovely chocolate truffles on a stick at Romanicos Chocolates on Coral Way, it was a match made in heaven. The place is across the street from the post office that I visit regularly for one of my clients so let's just say the convenience factor is a little too perfect. If I'm not in any kind of hurry, I'll always bolt across the street to grab a few different flavors, usually to go.The other day though I had some time and decided to sit and enjoy my truffles (yes, I usually get more than one!) inside their shop. It was such a nice break in the afternoon and one I'll never forget. First of all because I had to wait out one of those annoying heavy downpours that lasts just long enough to keep you trapped inside somewhere, not that this was a bad place to be trapped in believe me, I'm not complaining. And secondly, because I heard what must have been the most interesting conversation between four older gentlemen. They were actually gossiping about their lives like a bunch of...women! It was hilarious.It was such a fun afternoon and I love this place so much I felt compelled to write about it. Everyone should try this place at least once. And during the few colder days we've got in Miami, the hot chocolate can't be beat! It's thick and delicious. I urge you to check this place out.


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