Striking out on my own

I'm still shocked that it's been almost two years since I struck out on my own. I didn't hang a shingle or anything, just working at my old, huge by today's standards desktop computer crankin' out copy.The decision took a lot of thought, it was scary for the usual steady paycheck although I'm lucky I get paid a set amount every month by one client and have steady writing work but still, it wasn't easy.I love, love, love the freedom. On the days I get a bit stressed I think about how fortunate I am to not be sitting in an office all day. I run errands when I have to, am able to cart my kids around which is what I wanted. I consider myself very lucky.I'll keep publishing random musings about experiences I have on this crazy ride called freelancing. Stay tuned...there's lots more to come.


Miami condo market outlook and projections


Azure Condo’s luxury in heart of Surfside