Love when my articles have an impact on the community
I was shocked when I saw it, I really was. As I read the Facebook message my heart sank, in a good way.
Chef Chris Valdes, a local chef who also has a catering company and was a contestant on Food Network Star, had reached out to me after seeing my article in the Miami New Times on the partnership between Miami Dade College’s Hospitality Institute and Camillus House. Click here to read the full article.
The inspirational article tells of how Miami Dade College is helping train those less fortunate for careers in the restaurant industry while also teaching life skills for attaining and sustaining employment.
The minute I saw the Facebook message I recognized his name from the Food Network show, which I watched regularly when it was on. I replied immediately and we traded messages back and forth. With the help of his publicist, we came up with a day and time for our interview.
Before we could chat, Chef Chris was traveling to New York to make an appearance on Live with Kelly and Ryan. I watched the segment and Chef Chris was as engaging on their show as he was on Star. That morning on the show he made his picadillo empanada with Ryan and guava and cheese empanada with Kelly.
Once he was back in Miami we spoke. I was so excited to hear about his experience with the Camillus House students and also learn his story.
He shared with me that he’d judged the students from Camillus House five or six times in the past but hadn’t made the connection that they were students in the Kitchen Cook Employment training program.
“I wasn’t even aware that what I was judging was part of this whole program. I thought it was just a culinary program with Miami Dade College. I knew the students were in school because some had a troubled past but didn’t make the connection at the time. It was very special to watch,” said Chef Chris.
When he spoke to the students, he asked them if the culinary world or being in a kitchen had changed their lives “and everyone’s hand went up at the same time. That’s because the culinary world offers a place for everyone, it allows you to do your thing in its world,” he said.
He ultimately made the connection after seeing my article and asking his manager to contact Miami Dade College to express his interest in teaching the students.
“I taught a class of eight students. It was different because I’m used to doing cooking segments and demos, but this experience made me feel like I was back in culinary school. It took me back to those days, except this time I was older and a teacher,” said Chef Chris.
Taking inspiration from his recently published debut cookbook “One with the Kitchen,” he chose the Pavlova dessert as the dish he would teach them.
“It’s what I’m holding on the cover of my cookbook and it was great because it helped teach them a lot of detail in the kitchen,” he said. “I wanted them to learn Pavlova because it takes a lot of patience to make this recipe and what you’re left with when you’re done is a magical creation that instantly pays off.”
He chose to have the students observe him preparing it however, he’d brought individual ones for each of them, which he had prepared ahead of time, so they could decorate it with the fruit of their choice. “It was a great lesson in food prep,” he said.
Naturally, the students immediately recognized him from Star and they bombarded him with questions on what the experience was like.
He had also brought a selection of cookbooks for the students to take home as a keepsake. Chef Chris said the students went for all different types including those with Latin influenced recipes, as well as Southern and even sushi.
Chef Chris loved the experience and knows that once the program is fully up and running he will participate again. He actually was all set to do the closing speech at their graduation in 2020 but that got canceled due to Covid but he hopes to one day have that opportunity again.
“It’s very important to keep culinary students engaged and keep them graduating so our hospitality industry keeps growing and remains full. It’s the best way to come full circle,” he said.
Chef Chris Valdes on the right with a Camillus House student (center) and Chef Frank Ferrara from Miami Dade College. Photo courtesy of Miami Dade College
Since the tender age of 10 he’s wanted to be in the culinary world, so Chef Chris knows the importance of culinary training all too well. He recalls watching Chef Emeril Lagasse’s weekly television being what inspired him to become a chef. That’s when he began cooking, because “I wanted to be just like Emeril.”
Once he started high school, culinary school was his dream but he questioned whether he might have the chops.
Even with those doubts, he mustered up the courage and entered the Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Competition in the baking division and lost. He says he had a disastrous showing and thought that was it, he was done.
Unbeknownst to him, his teacher Ms. Hyatt had re-submitted his application, this time for the cooking competition. He was once again chosen to compete but went in with absolutely no plan but once he was there, he listened to his inner voice, cooked from the heart and ended up winning.
“I won a $10,000 scholarship to attend Le Cordon Bleu and I was only 17,” he said.
He thanks Ms. Hyatt and many others who played a huge role in his succeeding in the culinary world in his book through photographs and an autobiography.
The book took two years to complete between the writing, choosing the photography and of course Covid delaying its release. The delay worked in his favor, allowing him to delve deeper into the book and perfect it before publishing.
Chef Chris and his team also stayed busy in 2020 cooking 50,000 meals in collaboration with food distribution efforts by organizations including Kiwanis, March of Dimes and the Chapman Partnership among others around Miami.
And during the government shutdown he and his team fed 1,000 TSA workers at Miami International Airport. They created a Mexican themed party, donning sombreros and decorating an entire room and serving up Mexican fare. “They were so appreciative and said they felt very special,” he said.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, just part of his story. If you want to learn more about Chef Chris Valdes or buy his cookbook, click here to visit his website.