Bandana Republic
Respice Independent Republic opens in the wilds of South MiamiFirst-class commuter, jet-setting passenger, globe-trotting backpacker.Just a few things they'll call you once you bail out of this sticky summertime heat to explore the world.But if a trip to Australia isn't in the game plan, you can always hike down to South Miami to get your fix at savvy new travel shop Respice Independent Republic.Designed to resemble a world traveler’s home, it's fully equipped with essential gear from all over the globe. So the kind of place Indy would shop before he partnered up with Shia.We're talking about high-end globetrotting necessities, from a display case of classic aviators to hook-hung Japanese man scarves and travel hats by Eugenia Kim.Rugged leather camera bags by Sandqvist and handcrafted Italian leather iPad covers by Graft Art of London are casually strung along wooden shelves. Both are ideal for exploring like a 21st-century-style Indiana Jones.No immunization shots are required to secure entry into the center of the store, where you'll find leather wallets, belts, and Chukka-style shoes resting on a long steamer trunk table, the insides of which are totally up for grabs.Sort of like check-in at Miami International.Respice Independent Republicrespicemiami.com5760 Sunset Dr., South Miami(305) 661-5006Parking: StreetHours: Mon-Sat 10a-7p; Sun Noon-5pNearby: The Irish Times; Deli Lane Cafe & Tavern; Town Kitchen & Bar